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Welcome to the room with the view of my heart.  I am a 30 something mom that tried for years to have a baby…YEARS.  I endured heartache and pain as time moved on and left me without a baby to hold at night.  Somehow along the way I decided that constant loss was not going to define me and that there is so much more to who I am.  Together with my partner, I take on every day life with love, passion, and a whole lot of smart ass comments.

Purely Postpartum

“That’s my sister.  She’s completely bald in front”.  Jo March says this to Laurie, when she sees her sister Meg dancing at a party. This book/movie line from Little Women has been playing over and over in my head these last few weeks as Jo could easily be talking about me.  Pregnancy can wreak havoc on one’s body, but these...

Sibling Luck and Love

In recent days, my sister has reminded me of all of the times that she had to eat the stinky fish, literally and figuratively, just because she is the big sister.  Let me provide you with some context for this statement.  During my first year of college and Nichole’s last year of college we went to China with my Dad...

One Year Later

It’s been a year since I took that wild plunge and decided to share my feelings on life, love, and lost with all of you, and I have loved every minute of it.  To say that it was a terrifying start would be an understatement.  In the beginning, even writing the words was hard, but rereading my entry to Thomn...

Totes of Expectations

There is something so perfect and addictive about baby clothes.  They capture me in such a way and pull my heartstrings in every direction. T4 is growing at a rate that I didn’t expect. Every week, I have been putting more and more articles of clothing into a pile of outfits that no longer fit him. Here we are, just...

Above the Bridge

“Morning Momma” S, was starting to rouse from her nap in our hotel room, and as I went and laid in bed with her, she slowly lifted her face to mine, gave me a small smile and whispered “morning Momma” as our foreheads met one another’s.  This has to be one of my favorite things about being her momma –...

12 Years Later

Today, Thomn and I celebrate 12 years of wedded bliss.  So here are 12 facts, fun or not, about us. 1.      We got married in a museum, celebrated underneath a giant whale skeleton, and ate pie while we walked back to our hotel when our horse and carriage unexpectedly no showed due to a thunderstorm. 2.      The first house we...

Boot Potty!

  “I buckled him in and hoped for the best!”  This is an actual statement that I made to Thomn earlier in the week as I was recounting one of my days with the kids.  And the truth is, I finally figured out why changing tables have a buckle.  It isn’t for the first kid when you stare into your...

Every Day Changes

Last night I formally resigned from my job and, to tell you the truth, I am a little heartbroken. I really really love my job.  Six years ago, I helped build the hotel from the ground up, along with the teammates that work there.  It is the first time that I have had such a passion for, not only what...

Dear Husband

Dear Husband, I put on my wedding ring to remind myself how much I love you.  Maybe you have noticed its absence in the last few months, but maybe not.  You see, my ring has been off for months now – toward the end of pregnancy when we were preparing for the hospital, I took it off and put it...

Messy Mom Life Day One

Today was my first day home with both kids, and I cried All. Day. Long. Thomn walked out of the door this morning and the first silent tear slid down my cheek. In the past 5 weeks that he has been back to work, I have had mornings that I feel on top of the world and super prepared for...